Welcome to Unchained AI

Trade smarter with our advanced artificial intelligence tool.

Get Started

Fast Trades

Experience lightning-fast trading with our AI.


Your security is our top priority.


Maximize your profits with our AI.

Coming Soon...

SAAS dashboard


Phase 1: Token Launch

* Develop tokenomics and whitepaper.

* Conduct security audits and smart contract verification.

* Initiate marketing campaigns for token awareness.

Phase 2: Web Application
Development and Release

* Design and develop the web application interface.

* Integrate AI trading algorithms and blockchain functionality.

* Perform beta testing with a select user group for feedback.

* Officially launch the web application for public use.

Phase 3: Telegram Bot and
Web Dashboard Implementation

* Develop a Telegram bot for trading and monitoring in real time.

* Integrate these tools with the existing 'Unchained AI' platform.

* Create a web dashboard for real-time analytics and user account management.

* Provide user support and tutorials for utilizing these new features.